#!/usr/bin/perl # # Monitor snmp processes by reading the full command line. # Completely client-side. Do not use prTable but the standard "host" MIB. # # Arguments are: # # [-c community] -p regexp-on-the-command-line [-p regexp-on-the-command-line...] host [host ...] # # $Id$ # # # Copyright (C) 1998, Stephane Bortzmeyer # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # use SNMP; use Getopt::Long; GetOptions("c=s" => \$community, "p=s" => \@processes_re, "d+" => \$debug); if (! $community) { $community = 'public'; } if (! $#process_re) { die "At least one process name must be specified (reg. exp. are allowed)"; } $RETVAL = 0; foreach $host (@ARGV) { $session = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => $host, Community => $community); undef %processes; if (!defined ($session)) { $RETVAL = ($RETVAL == 1) ? 1 : 2; push @failures, "$host session error"; push @longerr, "$host could not get SNMP session"; next; } my $v = new SNMP::Varbind (["hrSWRunTable"]); $session->getnext ($v); while (!$session->{"ErrorStr"} && ($v->tag =~ /^hrSWRun/)) { my @q = $session->get ([ ["hrSWRunName", $v->iid], ["hrSWRunParameters", $v->iid], ]); last if ($session->{"ErrorStr"}); $command_line = $q[0] . ' ' . $q[1]; $processes{$command_line}++; $session->getnext ($v); } if ($session->{"ErrorStr"}) { push (@failures, $host); push (@longerr, "$host returned an SNMP error: " . $session->{"ErrorStr"}); $host_retval = 1; } else { $host_retval = 0; undef $missing_processes; All_regexps: foreach $process_re (@processes_re) { undef $process_found; All_processes: foreach $cl (keys (%processes)) { if ($debug >= 3) { print STDERR "TEST: \"$cl\" against \"$process_re\" on $host\n"; } if ($cl =~ m!$process_re!) { $process_found = 1; if ($debug) { print STDERR "MATCH: \"$cl\" against \"$process_re\" on $host\n"; } last All_processes; } } if (! $process_found) { $host_retval = 1; if ($missing_processes) { $missing_processes .= (", " . $process_re); } else { $missing_processes = $process_re; } } } if ($host_retval != 0) { push (@failures, $host); push (@longerr, "$host miss process: " . $missing_processes); } } if ($host_retval == 1) { $RETVAL = 1; } } if ($RETVAL == 1) { print join (", ", @failures), "\n", "\n"; print join ("\n", @longerr), "\n"; } exit $RETVAL;