From Mon Aug 23 06:51:17 1999 Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 15:59:30 +0100 From: Duncan Lawie To: Subject: sqlconn.monitor Hi, herewith a monitor which checks on sqlnet connections. It uses DBI but, as it stands, is coded in an Oracle-specific way. The matching lines would look something like this hostgroup first_db second_db watch ora_dbs service sqlconnect interval 15m monitor sqlconn.monitor period wd {Mon-Fri} hr {9am-5pm} alert mail.alert alertevery 1h period wd {Sat-Sun} alert mail.alert There is an element of hack in that the hostgroup is actually a list of database names, not unix hosts. I am a little uncomfortable (as yet) with GPL, but as I understand it I can sidestep the issue by making this open source under the terms of perl. I also understand that if it were intergrated into mon it would them be distributed under the GPL along with mon. Can anyone offer me enlightenment on this issue? Duncan. #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # # Monitor sqlnet connection # # Arguments are: names of databases (as understood by listener) # # Available under the same terms as perl itself if distributed alone. # # use Local::Env; # local environment variable setting use DBI; $dbuser = $ENV{ORACLE_USERID}; # from Local::Env or set it explicitly foreach $dbname (@ARGV) { unless ( eval { $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$dbname", $dbuser, '', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }) } ) { push @failures, "$dbname connect"; push @longerr, "$dbname: $DBI::errstr"; $retval++; next } unless ( $sth = $dbh->prepare("select sysdate from sys.dual") ) { push @failures, "$dbname prepare"; push @longerr, "$dbname: $dbh->errstr"; $retval++; next } unless ( $sth->execute() ) { push @failures, "$dbname execute"; push @longerr, "$dbname: $dbh->errstr"; $retval++; next } unless ( $sth->finish() ) { push @failures, "$dbname finish"; push @longerr, "$dbname: $dbh->errstr"; $retval++; next } unless ( $dbh->disconnect ) { push @failures, "$dbname disconnect"; push @longerr, "$dbname: $dbh->errstr"; $retval++; next } } if (@failures) { print join (", ", @failures), "\n"; print join ("\n", @longerr), "\n"; } exit $retval;